
The In Between

I am caught in the "IN BETWEEN"

The place where you are comfortable and confident with your mind, body, and soul. Where you know who you are, and you don't know where you are going - but that's the exciting part.
Yet, you want to know that wherever you go, that counterpart will be waiting for you. That, the mysterious land you are to wind up in, will hold all of the answers you secretly are starting to crave. You want to know that this uncertainty is surely bringing you to the promise land.

I recently posted a status on Facebook that said, "When I get sad that I am 24 and not married, I remind myself that I could have been born 150 years ago, 15 and married, and plucking chicken feathers while wearing a hoop skirt." I was dumbfounded by the number of comments I received. Mostly, stating that I was a baby, that I needed to enjoy my life, and that I still had so much to learn. Don't get me wrong, I agree with all of these statements, but most of my posts have a heavy hint of sarcasm, or are a mild desire of mine that is being raw and honest, amidst my naturally logical side. I realize that I am young. I realize that this is the time of my life to have fun and be carefree. AND I AM! I have visited Michigan, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, California, and Washington this year alone. I encountered a black bear, jumped out of an airplane, and booked a flight to Israel on a whim. I have dedicated this year to being off kilter, and embracing life by the horns. 

The kicker is, when you reach that age where you are truly confident in who you are. When you have invested your heart and soul into pouring into your identity, you can't help but desire to meet that person you are going to spend the rest of your life pouring into. I am starting to hope that at the end of one of my little adventures lies the golden ticket. I feel as if I am in this transition phase. I am half caterpillar, half butterfly, and I am doing a really awkward squirmy, flitty dance throughout life. 

I am trusting that following the Lord, and being patient, will lead me to that future, with a husband, and definitely not a white picket fenced in house (too boring). My timing is flawed. It always has been. I will daily remind myself of this, and I have a feeling I will be doing so until the day I meet my match. 

I dedicate this blog to Briney Spears