
Serenade me - a list of songs.

As a female, I have a collection of songs that I secretly wish would be serenaded to me throughout my life. Some are stereotypical "sweep me off of my feet, shove me against a wall, and kiss me passionately" love songs, and others may surprise you... Such as "Wild Thing". (It's okay to start judging me based on that last statement.) This isn't an extensive blog, where I poorly spit out the contents of my jumbled mind, but rather, a list of songs that mean something to me.... in a weird or sentimental way.

Wild Thing - Written by Chip Taylor, and covered by every band known to man. The Troggs are probably the most recognized. I secretly want this to be my first dance song with my husband. (Cue laughter, eyes rolling, and weird looks at the computer screen.)

No Other Love - a Chuck Prophet song that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE. Love it. Love it Love it. It is probably the simplest of songs ever written, but my heart melts each time I hear it. Dear Lord, let a man serenade me with this beauty.

Baby I Want You - Leave it to Amos Lee to set the standard for every man on earth. Poor "man"kind. In my dream world, whenever my man and I get into a fight, I would love for him to come back to me singing this song. Guaranteed to make me forgive him in 10 seconds or less. BONUS: This song would quickly be followed by....

Let's Get It On - .... You knew it was coming. Nothing like a little Marvin Gaye to cleanse the souls of a couple who just had a riff. I don't really need to explain the details as to when this would be serenaded to me.

Right By Your Side - James Morrison. The man with the voice that doesn't match the body. God literally must have placed a choir of angels inside of this man's vocal cords. There is no other explanation. This song shows utter commitment. When I am curled up in the fetal position on the floor after I have had a terrible day, I need this to be whispered into my ear (that is not plastered to the floor).

Crack The Shutters - A song that is nothing short of an epic self esteem booster, served up by Snow Patrol. I picture myself half a sleep, tangled up in blankets on the bed, and my man in a chair on the other side of the bedroom, adoring me from a distance. Softly singing this song to me.... I wonder if the guys wrote this song, or a woman... who knew what she wanted, aha.

I could go on forever, and I am certain I have embarrassed myself on a whole new level. Alas, I am going to end this little post with one last song. This song requires dancing, because who can sing a Chris Brown song without shakin' dat ass?

Crawl - Chris Brown. He may have beaten up a woman, who more than likely asked for it (That's not me saying that he should have done it). BUT COME ON, this song?! If my man learned a dance routine from youtube, and sang this to me after he criticized my latest hair style... my heart would melt, in a very safe and romantic way.