
16 23 25 ?

I remember when I was 16, I would always tell my friends that I wanted to be married by 23. This would give me a good four-five years of exploring life together with my husband before we had kids, if we had kids (preferably by adoption). At that point, I would still be a young parent, and will have already had several years of marriage under my belt.

I am 25. Not dating anyone. Not married. Definitely no kids. BUT I am handling the exploring life thing pretty well by myself.

Now, I realize that anyone who is over a year and half older than me, is shaking their heads and mentally screaming, "YOU'RE STILL A BABY! 25 is NOT old!" First off, stop with the whole I am older than you by a few hundred days, therefore let me impart all of my wisdom upon you crap. Second off, yes - I am young. I will always be younger than someone else. Yet, my youth does not nullify the desires of my heart.

What I can say, is that I have gotten older, I can look back on my 16 year old self and say, "PRAISE JESUS YOU DIDN'T GET MARRIED AT 23!" I wasn't in the right place in life, to have harvested a healthy relationship with the man God has set aside for me. Also, I wasn't even living in the same state that I am today. Last December a dear friend of mine got married. For years, her heart yearned for her husband. She fervently prayed for him and patiently (and impatiently.... I think she would let me say that), waited for him. It took her relocating for work to another state, and God closing doors to other potential relationships that weren't the right fit, for her to be led to the man who would pursue her endlessly until the day they got married, and still to this day. All of that to say, 23 wasn't in the books for me. 25 might not be in the books for me, even though I also relocated to a place where my future husband very well could be.

My heart is to acknowledge the desires I have: to be in a relationship, to experience festivals - church - and holidays together, to get married, to travel together, and to eventually build a family together. These are all valid desires. They are healthy desires. They were given to me by my Heavenly Father. Yet, before all of those desires, I yearn to to pursue God, and His current - in the present will for me. Step by step (day by day.... cue Full House music). I will be impatiently patient. My time is not of value, but His time holds all of the answers.

Jimmy Fallon isn't single yet, so.... I just gotta hold out a little longer.