
Single and Satisfied.

In Nashville, I felt stagnant. Bored. There wasn't much left for me to discover and experience. Perhaps this lack of adventure left me with such a strong desire to obtain a partner. A relationship. Perhaps that would have brought new life back into my heart. Therefore, since that was the last emotion I departed with, it was the first emotion I entered Portland with. But, after being here a month, I can honestly say that I am loving being single. Having my freedom to adventure and explore, without the commitment of investing a lot of myself to one person.

There are so many new doors and avenues to stroll down alone, with friends, and with strangers. No judgement. No rules. A slow investment of relationships that surround me, without the pressure of potential pending relationship in the back of my head. There is so something so beautiful about realizing the blessing of freedom. Of getting to know your self, intimately. I am blessed beyond belief for this fresh awakening. This new opportunity. It's like a revival of my spirit! Everything I see, everything I do, it's all new - and filled with so much mystery, and beauty.

I know that I will eventually want to settle into a relationship. To have a counterpart. But for now, I honestly can say that there is no place I would rather be than with my new community of friends, taking on life by the horns.

If God handed Jimmy Fallon or Jesse Williams to me right now, I would take back everything I said about wanting to be single.... but for real.